Untitled Conversations (Names)
1998 Framed text and fourteen sheets of paper
Untitled Conversation (Drawings as words)
1998 Framed text and one sheet of paper
Untitled Conversations (Marie-Ange and I are still married)
1996 Framed text and three sheets of paper
Untitled Conversations (A visit with my mother's family in Reggio Calabria)
1995 Framed text and sixteen sheets of paper
Untitled Conversation (3 inks)
1996 Framed text and one sheet of paper
Untitled Conversations (Conversations in the assembly room at Stichting B.a.d.)
1996-8 Framed text and 16 sheets of paper
Untitled Conversations (meals on airplanes)
1997 Framed text and eight sheets of paper
Untitled Conversation (Sex)
1996 Framed text and one sheet of paper ed. 4/5
- Backroom Conversations
1998 Mixed media installation, dimensions variable